Stages of Discourse


The Stages of Discourse Context Map seeks to analyze and understand the styles and strategies of interpersonal communication at various developmental altitudes (simplified as Dictate, Doctrine, Debate, Dialogue, Discourse, and Dialectic). Each stage of development prefers specific communication styles and strategies, and by understanding these preferences, individuals can better identify the developmental stage of the people they are interacting with. This awareness allows for more skillful responses that are more attuned to the developmental depth of all parties involved. This map also serves as a self-reflective tool, helping individuals to recognize their own communication styles and remind them to communicate from the highest developmental stage available to them. Stages of Development and Communication Styles: Red Altitude (Self-Centric): Dictate - Dominated by directives, commands, and personal power. Amber Altitude (Group-Centric): Doctrine - Guided by group norms and traditional values. Umber Altitude (Skill-Centric): Debate - Competitive discourse focused on logical argumentation. Orange Altitude (Self-Determining): Dialogue - Mature conversation emphasizing openness, empathy, and shared understanding. Green Altitude (Self-Questioning): Collaborative Discourse - Deeply empathetic communication valuing diversity and consensus-building. Teal Altitude (Self-Actualizing): Dialectic - Integration of opposing viewpoints to achieve higher-order syntheses. Aspects Analyzed for Each Stage: Each stage is further explored through various aspects, such as: Communication Purpose Approach to Communication View of Opposition Handling of Conflict Approach to Resolution Decision-Making Process Values in Discourse Outcome Orientation Inclusive Skill Development: The map includes practices to further develop communication skills at each developmental stage, promoting growth and understanding in interpersonal interactions. By delineating these stages and their associated communication styles and attributes, the Stages of Discourse map serves as a valuable tool for individuals and organizations to navigate conversations effectively, fostering deeper understanding, and facilitating communication from higher stages of development.

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